Zephyr Expansion Pack


This product contains Stat Blocks for the following Zephyrs: Percy Piercer (Tiny), Arty Carty (Small), Fae Ride (Medium), Skies for U (Large), The Hall of Natural Judgement (Huge). This product also contains 5 extra Vehicle Parts.

This vehicular expansion pack for Sky Zephyrs and The Wandering Tavern adds some extra variety to the types of zephyrs (airships) you may encounter while traversing the skies!

If you are subscribed to the Vehicle Builder App, you will already have access to these Zephyrs. This product was created for those who would prefer to build zephyrs themselves outside of the builder and those who just want some extra game-ready zephyrs quick and easy.

Listed down below are the Zephyrs in this pack and the lore for each one.

Percy Piercer (Tiny Zephyr)

The Percy Piercer is designed to be a disposable vehicle with a very specific purpose, piercing the hull of enemy Zephyrs. The Zephyr itself is distinguishable by its long pointed reinforced bow. The “cockpit” where the Helm is located, is covered in padding, encapsulating the pilot. Behind the cockpit above the pilot is the main intake for the SCRAM Engine. The SCRAM Engine is fed by its main intake and a few auxiliary ones to ensure maximum air flow. The Engine nozzle is designed to look like concentric circles that magically rotate and contract when acceleration increases. Along the sides of the pilot is the main mechanism for the Dive Sails. The sails unfold from the Hull of the Zephyr. They unfurl like webbed fingers. Attached to the bottom of the Zephyr lies the Healing Balloon providing the vehicle its lift. The balloon hums with a green light and fires off small sparkles of emerald magical energy sporadically.

Arty Carty (Small Zephyr)

The Arty Carty is designed to be a small and relatively inexpensive alternative to the Large and Huge Zephyrs that bring incredible firepower to the constant air war in the Sky Realms. The Zephyr’s only armament is a Sky Thunderer. With just a few of these Zephyrs, a flight battalion or team can mimic the awesome firepower of larger military-style Zephyrs. The Zephyr itself is a sight to behold. Looking at it side on, you wouldn’t notice the large bulge in the centre of the ship where the Sky Thunderer is held. The barrel of which pokes through the deck of the Mortar Hull. Protruding from the port and starboard sides the Seer Sails shimmer with violet arcane essence—some say when you stare into these elegant sails long enough, you can see yourself staring back with a gaunt expression. The Donut Balloon allows for sunlight to illuminate the deck of the Zephyr, which would be otherwise slightly obscured with a more traditional top-mounted balloon.

Fae Ride (Medium Zephyr)

Those unlucky enough to come across the “Fae Ride” and live, have given the people of the Sky Realm little information to go off. Most, however, agree that it is long and wide, the deck is strewn with tables covered in lavish drinks and inviting lights. Phantom servants attend to your every whim and desire. Tales tell of the enchanting fae that inhabit the ship and encourage you to stay for just.. one.. more.. drink.

Skies 4 U (Large Zephyr)

Skies 4 U is the home of all you need in the Sky, You need power gems?… We got ’em! You need Weapons?… We got ’em!! Did you get a cursed item that is slowly draining you of the will to live? Why not get two!!!!  Skies 4 U is a Chain of large Sky Zephyrs that populate the Sky Realm. Docking stations litter the outline of this vessel. The bright blue top of the central dome is iconic and synonymous with the phrase “No, we have power gems at home”. The Gigantic Fans that keep this Zephyr afloat lay on either side of the iconic dome emitting a mind-numbing buzz that almost drones out the hustle and bustle aboard this Zephyr.

The Hall of Natural Judgement (Huge Zephyr)

This Fabled Zephyr is rarely seen but its impact is felt throughout the Sky Realm. Appearing from the ether, heralded by the sounds of a thousand bees, this colossal Zephyr looks more like a makeshift island than a Zephyr. Beautiful marble buildings adorned with moss and foliage dot its stunning exterior. Within the Hall resides the council and their Natural Justicars. Their sole purpose is to uphold the rights and respect for the Natural world. Those that would dare attack The Hall of Natural Justice can expect nothing less than natures full might.

TWT Stretch Goal Parts

5 Additional Vehicle Parts created after one of The Wandering Tavern Kickstarter’s stretch goals was reached. Parts were voted for in our Discord community.

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